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Date: Sat Feb 08, 8:00 AM EST - Sat Feb 08, 12:00 PM EST
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Maryland Sled Dog Adventures LLC

It’s all about the dogs!  Girl Scouts work closely with our team of sled dogs harnessing, feeding, and learning all about dogsledding including:  what the dogs eat; how the dogs are trained; positions on a dog team; equipment used in dogsledding; the commands used in dogsledding; and famous dog sledding events.  Each girl takes a short individual (1/2 mile) ride.  Fun patch included.  Official Girl Scout Brownie Try It and Junior dog mushing badges are optional and are available for purchase at $4.00 per badge.  Minimum of 14 and maximum of 20 Girl Scouts.  Tag a longs (age five and up) welcome.  This program is held entirely outdoors.  

Fee: $100 per child

Location: Torrey C. Brown Rail Trail

For questions contact