At Girl Scouts, we believe that when girls succeed, our communities succeed. Girl Scouts provide a safe space for girls to try new things, develop a range of skills, take on leadership roles, and have fun. Girl Scouts are building a better world for all of us!
Our Council accepts cash, checks, credit cards, gifts of stock,
and donations of vehicles and land. Checks should be made out
to Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital. Please send with your
donation to:
Make a difference today! 100% of every dollar donated stays with our Council to support our local Girl Scouts and volunteers.
Monthly Giving
Welcome to the Friendship Circle!
Give monthly and be a part of a group of dedicated donors providing steady funding for Girl Scouts year round. A minimum monthly gift of $5 quickly turns into $60 a year. To sign up, visit our donate page and select "I wish to join the Friendship Circle: charge the above amount monthly!
Donate through our SHARE Program
When you donate to our annual campaign, SHARE Your Love of Girl Scouting, you provide Girl Scouts with the opportunity to achieve their true potential. 100% of your donation to SHARE stays with our Council to support Girl Scouts and volunteers
Financial Assistance: Support a year of Girl Scouting for a youth member at $350. Financial Assistance covers membership and troop dues, Girl Scout supplies, camperships and program fees.
Juliette Gordon Low was the first to leave a planned gift to the
Girl Scouts – she gifted her home to serve as the first
In her honor, our Council began the Juliette Low Legacy Society 20
years ago, to celebrate our Girl Scout Family who leaves a legacy to
Girl Scouts through a planned gift, which can be an easy process.
When your birthday comes around this year, consider the gift that will truly keep on giving. When you start a Facebook birthday fundraiser for Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital, you’re supporting the leaders of tomorrow.