We provide a variety of trainings to help you lead a troop, take Girl Scouts camping, go on trips and engage in exciting activities. Sign into gsLearn to find the training you need and keep track of it all in one place!
Here's a step-by-step guide to GS learn and how to log in
LEARN MOREThis course qualifies participants to take a troop to established sites for both day cookout trips and overnight camping trips.
We offer two types of Cookout and Campout Training: Hybrid and Traditional.
For troops who only want to make s’mores over a fire and not take an overnight camping trip, a volunteer must complete the online module “204 Girl Scout-led Fire and S’more Safety” located in gsLearn.
Volunteers who have done camping training through another Girl Scout council, through Boy Scouts of America, or another organization can take the “204 Transfer of Camping Certification” located in gsLearn. Each person will be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis.
204 Domestic Troop Travel
To be a First Aider, you need to have a current CPR certification which must cover the following requirements:
Basic first aid
Adult and child CPR training, including a “hands-on” skills demonstration
AED Training
To learn more about first aid training through Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital’s third party vendor, financial aid opportunities, and other important information, click here.
To learn more about Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital’s first aid policies, see Volunteers Essentials.