It also covers membership and troop dues, Girl Scout supplies, camperships and program fees.
Every girl has the potential to impact her community. When you donate to our annual campaign, SHARE Your Love of Girl Scouting, you provide girls with the opportunity to achieve their true potential. 100% of your donation to SHARE stays with our Council to support Girl Scouts and volunteers.
Help support a year of Girl Scouting for a girl at $350. Financial Assistance covers membership
It also covers membership and troop dues, Girl Scout supplies, camperships and program fees.
Help a Girl Scout travel to a destination by giving $100.
Support all levels of troop and camp programs; STEM, active living, and outdoors; as well as entrepreneurship and leadership training.
Help support a volunteer receive training and resources for $75. Supports all volunteers
Supports all volunteer resources and provides free and reduced cost training. The majority of adult training is free.
Help a girl attend sleep-away camp with transportation for $575.
Help maintain our 8 outdoor camps, provide high adventure activities, and ensure every girl has the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors in a safe environment.
Through your Service Unit’s crowdfunding page you can donate to SHARE, check how much your Service Unit has fundraised, and easily share the importance of giving back with your friends & family on social media. Find your Service Unit’s crowdfunding page by clicking here and searching for your Service Unit.
Support our Troops and Service Units by helping them reach their SHARE goal