This past weekend in Manassas, Virginia, Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital staff, volunteers, and members convened for the 2024 Annual Meeting at Metz Middle School. The annual event is a pivotal gathering for members to engage in the democratic process and celebrate the achievements of the Council and our outstanding volunteers—and this year, it set the stage for the future of Girl Scouting in the region as we welcomed our new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Kim R. Ford.
The day kicked off with the essential business of electing new board and nominating committee members, a process that embodies the democratic spirit at the core of the Girl Scouts. Members were also brought up to speed on the council's financial standing, and the feedback from recently held delegate forums was shared. This years’ forums had a strong focus on Mental Health needs of both youth members and volunteers- Outlining challenges that our youth members face, resources to support these challenges, and training or resources for volunteers to help youth members overcome their challenges. The meeting was also a celebration of Girl Scouts programming with various displays from program partners including more information about their partnerships with Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital and upcoming events. Members also had the option to shop a Build-a-Bear Pop-Up- customizing their bears by outfitting with vests, Girl Scout tees, and customizable troop number tags.
As the meeting came to a close, the energy was high with a warm welcome from our new CEO, Kim R. Ford, as she shared her vision for the future. Volunteers, Girl Scouts, visitors, and staff were able to meet Kim one on one— and many were excited to collect their new CEO’s patch. Even more so, to share excitement and a reignited dedication to the Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital mission.
Kim closed the meeting with an ask- to send her your pictures and keep in touch at CEO@gscnc.org.
The 2024 Annual Meeting was more than just a gathering; it was a reaffirmation of the strength and unity of the Girl Scouts community. As members left Metz Middle School, they carried with them the excitement for what the future holds.