Published January 11, 2024
Washington, DC—Girl Scout Council of the Nation's Capital announced the sale of approximately 540 acres of undeveloped land in Prince George’s County to the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission. The sale will enable the Council to create an Outdoor Legacy Fund to expand outdoor education for future generations of Girl Scouts in the national capital area.
The Fund will play a pivotal role in enhancing outdoor programming and fostering innovation for the Council’s existing eight camps—spanning nearly 1,500 acres, in Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. Notably, the acquisition of the Marlton land by M-NCPPC ensures its conservation, as the land is intended to be added to The Charles Branch Stream Valley Park.
"We are thrilled to launch the Outdoor Legacy Fund, a testament to our commitment to providing transformative outdoor education and experiences for Girl Scouts,” says Colleen Cibula, Acting CEO of Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital. “The Fund will ensure that future generations of Girl Scouts can connect with nature, build leadership skills, confidence, and resilience, and develop a lifelong love for the outdoors.”
Dedicated to the life lessons learned from outdoor education and adventure, the Fund will be used to expand outdoor program opportunities for Girl Scouts. In order to enhance a sense of belonging and empowerment in every Girl Scout, regardless of background or abilities, the Fund will also be used to increase access to mental health resources for campers and training in cultural sensitivity. It will further be used to better equip the camp team with the knowledge and skills to recognize, respect, and embrace diverse cultural perspectives, to help remove financial obstacles to Girl Scouts attending camp by strengthening financial assistance, and to provide opportunities for all Girl Scouts to participate in outdoor activities.
The Fund is made possible by the generous donation of the land to Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital in late 2018 by an affiliate of Pleasants Enterprises, Inc. The Council recognizes the full and partial pro bono contributions by its law firm, Goulston & Storrs, its real estate broker, Fraser Forbes Real Estate Services, and its business advisors Mandi Wedin (Feroce Real Estate Advisors) and Laura Bassett, the Council’s former CFO.
For more information about The Outdoor Legacy Fund and Girl Scouts Nation's Capital's commitment to outdoor education, contact Gabriela Alvarado, galvarado@gscnc.org.
About Girl Scouts Nation's Capital
Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital is the largest Girl Scouts council in the nation, with a commitment to build and maintain an inclusive community that respects and supports all our members. Girl Scouts provides grades K-12 the opportunity to discover, connect and take action. Girl Scouts learn new skills, explore STEM, discover the outdoors, and become entrepreneurs, all while making new friends and having fun. Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital serves over 76,000 members in 25 counties in Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, and Washington, DC. Our mission is to build Girl Scouts of confidence, courage, and character who make the world a better place. To volunteer, donate, reconnect, and discover how you belong in Girl Scouts, visit www.gscnc.org.