Since 1974, the Congressional Aide program has built teens’ civic knowledge and professional skills while inspiring a lifelong commitment to public service. Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital works with participating offices to give as many Girl Scouts as possible the opportunity to work with and learn from members of Congress and their staff.
Make bipartisan connections, while also expanding your network on Capital Hill
Gain valuable insight into the legislative process as you work behind the scenes in Congress
Serve in a Congressional office for one week in the Summer of 2024 from June through August
Congressional Aide is a truly unique program offering Girl Scouts in the Greater Washington Region a closer look into government. For 50 years, Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital has partnered with congressional offices to provide a week-long shadow program to Girl Scouts entering 11th grade, 12th grade, or their first year of college and who have expressed an interest in government. Adapting to COVID-19, Girl Scouts participated virtually during the pandemic.
74 of 153 of the women serving in the 118th Congress (48%) are Girl Scout alums
17 of 25 women senators (68%) are Girl Scout alums
59 of 128 women representatives and delegates (46%) are Girl Scout alums
6 out of 12 (50%) women governors are Girl Scouts alums
Congressional Aide is a truly unique program offered exclusively by Girl Scout’s Nation’s Capital that provides a week-long shadow opportunity to Girl Scouts entering 11th grade, 12th grade, or their first year of college. Applications open on January 8th and are due on Aprill 14th. There are a limited number of placements available, with more applications received than we are able to accommodated. This is a bipartisan program. The application requires a resume, two letters of recommendation, and a health history form. Letters of recommendation may not be written by family members and at least one letter should be from someone outside of the Girl Scout community. Program & Application Overview Girl Scouts can expect to be connected with their Congressional Office via email and will be encouraged to reach out and introduce themselves prior to their week of service. Once Girl Scouts have completed their week, they will be sent an experience survey and commemorative Congressional Aide 50th Anniversary Patch. Once accepted, Girl Scouts will attend either a mandatory virtual or in person orientation session - at which the details of their placement (including the congressional office they have been assigned to) will be shared. Girl Scouts will learn more about program expectations, hear tips from former Congressional Aides and connect with others in the program. A virtual information session for parents and guardians will be held by Council Staff to answer any additional questions.