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Longevity Pin
Membership longevity pins (numeral guards) recognize an individual’s total years of Girl Scout membership. Volunteers can calculate their longevity of membership by totaling years of youth and adult registration, in any Girl Scout or Girl Guide organization.
Volunteers submit their longevity information into our nomination form to provide information to the council and your association recognition committee. This creates a record of their Girl Scout membership history and allows their association recognition committee to include them in their local recognition celebrations. Volunteers celebrating 30+ years of membership will be provided the pin and a keepsake certificate free of charge by the council to express our gratitude for longtime commitment to Girl Scouting. In addition, they are eligible to have their pin presented to them at the annual council recognition event.
Most longevity pins are self-nominated; however, you may enter longevity information for other volunteers so the pin can be presented to them at an event. Many service units collect information about membership and enter it into the nomination form so all the volunteers in the SU can celebrate their milestone membership years together.
Longevity pins may also be purchased at the Girl Scout Shop.
Length of Service
Five-year increments from 5 years and up.
Examples of Possible Candidates
Any volunteer who has been a member for 5 or more years, including both youth and adult years in any Girl Scout council or Girl Guide organization worldwide.
Endorsements Required
Longevity 5-25 are presented at association, service unit, or other local events. Longevity 30+ are provided by the council and are eligible for presentation at the annual council recognition event.
General Requirements
Must have a current Girl Scout membership.
Must not owe any debt to council.