My name is Confidence and I've been a Girl Scout for 10 years now. Girl Scouts has shaped me into the woman I am today. It has made me more courageous, more of a leader, and more confident. If I could go back, I would do it all over again.
I still remember my first meeting as a Brownie. I was hiding behind my mom, not knowing what I got myself into, and kind of feeling overwhelmed but by the end, I was already looking forward to the next meeting. Being a part of this movement has changed my life for the better by giving me experiences and opportunities that I would never have been able to get otherwise.
Girl Scouts is more than just an organization—it's a sisterhood. This sisterhood is the pride I wear everywhere I go—on my vest, and that grows with every badge I earn. And the service-oriented experiences I've had, have become a huge part of my life, making me who I am today and showing how much I love volunteering and helping others, from picking up trash to writing letters to making meals for the Homeless.
Being a Girl Scout makes me feel like I'm a part of something bigger than myself. It teaches me important life skills like teamwork and responsibility and has inspired me to make an impact on my community in big and little ways, even if that's helping a friend out when they're down—or singing to the elderly. I’ve learned that whether I help one person or a hundred, the impact is the same—I am making the world a better place.
One of my best quotes according to my troop leader Miss Jennifer is, “if I wasn't a Girl Scout, I wouldn't have done this.” I said this after going hammock camping. That was my first time ever in a hammock and that is the case for a lot of things I've done.
I used to be introverted and quiet but being in Girl Scouts made me outgoing and want to talk more and spread my voice. If you met me ten years ago, I would have been a mess but today I'm able to put my head up high because of Girl Scouts and their three big C's – Character, Courage, and most important of all Confidence.